* Search by content area, name, description etc. Use the toggle buttons to search badges offered at secondary or postsecondary institutions.
No Badges met the specified filter criteria.
Badge List Layout and Navigation
Down the left hand side of the Badge List are the available clusters. Click a cluster to open its
tab area and display the pathways and specialties. Click on a pathway/specialty to open a drawer
of its badges. The badges display in a four by three grid that can be paged left and right
if there are more than 12 badges to a specialty.
Explore Careers
By clicking on the (i), you can explore careers related to the badges in the specialty. The links will take you to Career Atlas and Career Information Systems for additional research.
Badge Title Place Holder
Badge Description Place holder. The description of the badge will go here.
Badge Title Place Holder
Required Skills
SkillStack® affiliated institutions where this badge can be earned:
Idaho Career and Technical Education groups programs based on the National Career Clusters Framework
developed by Advance CTE with support from the US Department of Education. At the highest level
there are 16 clusters that represent 16 different high level occupation areas. Each career clusters
is represented by a different color throughout the site. Within clusters there are Career Pathways
that further define the occupations. In SkillStack® the different pathways are grouped by badge shape.
A badge represents a collection of skills. When a badge is clicked it brings up the badge detail box.
Inside you will see the badge name and description as well as the badge image. When you click the
left or right arrows inside this box the view will change to show the list of skills or badges
required to earn this badge.
SkillStack®: Idaho's skill based learning system
Welcome to SkillStack®, Idaho's system for tracking skill based learning, developed by
Idaho Career & Technical Education. Through SkillStack®, individuals can earn badges,
educators can validate skills and businesses can search for qualified talent.
SkillStack® - The home page of the site with links, and general information (click on the logo)
Badges - A listing of all the badges that Idaho’s public institutions offer
About - Learn more about SkillStack® and earning badges
Contact - Contact info Idaho Career & Technical Education, as well as support info